January Fun Size Wrapper

Cleaning up the first month of the year My January wellness goals were focused on establishing small, manageable habits for sustainable growth (thanks, James Clear). Three races, a nutrition reset, and a week of meeting ALL my coworkers in person later; here's how it all went. Goals Whole30 nutrition mindfulness 5+ minutes/day of meditation or … Continue reading January Fun Size Wrapper

7 Habits of Highly Effective Runners: Fun Size Athlete Edition

Mario Fraioli, the founder of The Morning Shakeout, has re-shared this blog post he wrote several years ago with some updates. Source: 7 Habits of Highly Effective Runners His breakdown of process vs. outcome goals is an excellent way to focus on building a successful year of habits that can lead to outcome goals rather … Continue reading 7 Habits of Highly Effective Runners: Fun Size Athlete Edition

Summer Fitness Roundup: Summer Lovin’ on the Roads Less Traveled

Seeking adventure and a change of pace on the path less-traveled... Once again my plan to write these posts every month fell by the wayside. Between taking over a consulting project at one job, building a software product and starting a new company, traveling for Bike Ride Across GA, Grandma's Marathon, work, and then a … Continue reading Summer Fitness Roundup: Summer Lovin’ on the Roads Less Traveled

BibRave Race Review: The “biggest little race” at Grandma’s Marathon!

“Disclaimer: I received free entry to the Grandma's Marathon as part of being a BibRave Pro. Learn more about becoming a BibRave Pro (ambassador), and check out BibRave.com to review find and write race reviews!” After more than a year without in-person road marathons, and more than 2 years since I've raced one, I was super excited to run Grandma's Marathon … Continue reading BibRave Race Review: The “biggest little race” at Grandma’s Marathon!

February Running Roundup: winter maintenance and motivation

Even though my birthday falls in February, it tends to be a struggle month for me. The new year has settled in, the late winter, pre-spring blues crop up, and motivation becomes a bit of a struggle. I feel like I’m operating 75-80% on my fitness and nutrition goals, but that 20-ish% of less than ideal nutrition behavior ends up creating plateaus that can spiral into lapses in motivation and loss of fitness gains.

It’s not a lazy weekend; it’s just the calm before the storm

As I wait for some large SAS computations, there's no better time for an update. I've done nothing particularly exciting this weekend. I've had the absolute pleasure of following my husband wherever he likes, mostly including a drive to Chattanooga to visit the in-laws, and my awesome brother -in-law and sister-in-law. He deserves more time but … Continue reading It’s not a lazy weekend; it’s just the calm before the storm